subscribes | bumps | re-subscribes
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Subscriber Duration of time on BumpList Posts Subscribes Bumps Resubscribes
kaczchris 1123 days,1 hours,18 minutes 58 275 274 274
cameraface22 393 days,2 hours,11 minutes 1 9 8 8
coinoperated29 799 days,4 hours,27 minutes 13 91 90 90
jonah 1114 days,1 hours,7 minutes 179 295 294 294
vicky.clare 9 days,13 hours,58 minutes 0 3 2 2
Orlang720 10 days,3 hours,14 minutes 0 3 2 2

Subscriber Duration of time on BumpList
kaczchris 1123 days,1 hours,18 minutes
jonah 1114 days,1 hours,7 minutes
coinoperated29 799 days,4 hours,27 minutes
cameraface22 393 days,2 hours,11 minutes
Julian.b.clare 222 days,11 hours,38 minutes
michael.bennett 214 days,14 hours,42 minutes
jonah.bruckercohen 210 days,3 hours,58 minutes
gaoshenghan0509 183 days,10 hours,4 minutes
Time is a measure of the total duration a person has spent subscribed to BumpList. Everytime they subscribe, their current time is added to their total time spent on the list.

Subscriber Total Number of Posts
jonah 179
kaczchris 58
coinoperated29 13
michael.bennett 12
suj4472 10 9
sua2086 8
rs.schachinger 6
Posts are the total number of posts a person has sent to BumpList, of course any posts sent when they were bumped off were rejected and aren't counted.

Subscriber Bumps
jonah 294
kaczchris 274
coinoperated29 90
suj4472 74
michael.bennett 61
sua2086 58 55
Lisa.f.cho 32
Bumps are the number of times each person was bumped off the mailing list by someone else signing up.

Subscriber Duration of time on BumpList
Michael714 222 days, 03 hours, 21 minutes
AHRFLL 188 days, 17 hours, 33 minutes
blanco 165 days, 01 hours, 50 minutes
steve.shaffer 132 days, 05 hours, 51 minutes
CrisisCntr 120 days, 09 hours, 43 minutes
jim_kleckner 99 days, 20 hours, 08 minutes
cynthia 93 days, 14 hours, 33 minutes
xraysmalevich 86 days, 05 hours, 15 minutes
Time is a measure of the total duration a person has spent subscribed to BumpList. Everytime they subscribe, their current time is added to their total time spent on the list.

Subscriber Total Number of Posts
Steve.Shaffer 6003
Michael714 3300
CrisisCntr 3007
jim_kleckner 2520
xraysmalevich 2303
blanco 2000
lharper 1321
Posts are the total number of posts a person has sent to BumpList, of course any posts sent when they were bumped off were rejected and aren't counted.

Subscriber Bumps
Michael714 7107
steve.shaffer 6860
blanco 6658
CrisisCntr 5369
jim_kleckner 4075
mikko 2361
xraysmalevich 1849
Bumps are the number of times each person was bumped off the mailing list by someone else signing up.

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Credits Design/Concept - Jonah Brucker-Cohen | Technical/Concept -Mike Bennett | Copyright 2003
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