subscribes | bumped | re-subscribes
BumpList is a mailing list aiming to re-examine the culture and rules of online email lists.
BumpList only allows for a minimum amount of subscribers so that when a new person subscribes, the first person to subscribe is "bumped", or unsubscribed from the list. Once subscribed, you can only be unsubscribed if someone else subscribes and "bumps" you off. BumpList actively encourages people to participate in the list process by requiring them to subscribe repeatedly if they are bumped off. The focus of the project is to determine if by attaching simple rules to communication mediums, the method and manner of correspondences that occur as well as behaviors of connection will change over time.
Date/Time of Post
Duration of time on BumpList

Check out BumpList Stats including: Who's On, Hall of Fame, and more coming soon!
Frequently Asked Questions: Everything you wanted to know about BumpList and more!
BumpList in the press, blogs, related links, store and more coming soon!
Design/Concept - Jonah Brucker-Cohen | Technical/Concept - Mike Bennett | Copyright 2003
For more info see: http://www.coin-operated.com